Cost of the books to be sent in advance either by Money order or online through Bank. Postal charges will be charged extra These charges are to be obtained before sending the amount.
Money can be sent on line through bank to either Andhra Bank, Satyanarayanapuram, Vijayawada to Savings Bank Account no. 050410011022242 OR State Bank of India, Gandhinagaram, Vijyawada to Savings Bank Account no. 10442758875.
While sending the money, the list of books and the postal address & the contact number to which the books are to be dispatched, are to be intimated either by a letter or e-mail without fail, without which books cannot be dispatched.
Bheshaja pada guna nighantu
Marketing personnel of Ayurveda Pharmaceutical industry often desire to have a dictionary of Ayurvedic pharmaceutical terms Vs. Modern medicine. This is compiled to fulfill this need.